WRECKAGE METAL RADIO is a Podcast Show that brings you the BEST in Heavy Psych Rock, Hard Rock, New Wave of British Heavy Metal, Power/Thrash Metal, & Sludge/ Stoner Rock/ Doom Metal. Brought to you by AZ's Madman Rikk The Beast (aka Rikki X)!!!!! WMR is being broadcasted every Saturday night on Grip of Delusion Radio from 11pm-1am EST(9pm-11pm AZ MST).
To be featured on WMR, Send your CD's, LP's, and MP3 links and $10 for WMR Shirts to: Rick Martinez 1433 S. Stanley PL. #4 Tempe, AZ. 85281
e-mail: rikkix@q.com
Rikk The Beast of Wreckage Metal Radio TOP 10 of 2012
1) Behold! The Monolith- Defender, Redeemist 2) Testament- Dark Roots Of Earth 3) Pallbearear- Sorrow and Extinction 4) Angel Witch- As Above, So Below 5) Kylesa- From The Vaults Vol. 1 6) Kreator- The Phantom Antichrist 7) Gypsyhawk- Revelry & Resilience 8) Huntress- Spelleater 9) The Sword- Apocryphon 10) Castle- Blacklands (Tie) Witch Mountain- Cauldron of the Wild
Episode 11: The Soggy Bog of Doom 11R Traditions
So ive been on a 4 month break. Anything new happen?? What I miss?
anyway...Friends of Hell put out a stellar new album and it inspired me to
jump back i...
Q&A with Tony Reed of Mos Generator by JonVader
If you have not heard of Tony Reed he is the guitarist and vocalist for the
Mos Generator, Stone Axe, Heavy Pink, Hot Spring Water and Twelve Thirty
Freddie King - Getting Ready (1971)
Here you have a blue blast folks. Freddie King has that dive bomb vibrato
thing going on on his blues leads that sound like a more monstrous fuzzed
out v...
We regret to announce a major change in our tour plans for October.
While Loss will still be performing at the California Deathfest as planned,
we've h...
Fuck You!
A big FUCK YOU to the idiots who keep reporting all Facebook pages related
to Doommantia as spam. Now all Facebook pages connected to Doommantia
On Friday, January 17th, Robb Flynn of Machine Head, Craig Locicero of
Forbidden and Spiralarms as well as members of Metallica, Testament,
Exodus, Slaye...
Welcome to Loadown refugee camp 2.0
As you may have noticed, the blog has been inactive for quite a while. No
posts at all this year and barely any links remain that aren't dead. Shit's
El fin
Amigos, ha llegado el fin. Ya lo venía meditando y los acontecimientos del
día de ayer me hicieron decidirme . Durante todo el día de ayer , mi pc
estuvo s...
Bye bye from the witch ...
OK, so it's my turn for the "last post on the Swamp" ...
It has been an awesome experience to become the nasty old witch of the
Swamp. In the past days I h...
Rapidshare sucks donkey cock
Sorry for the inconvenience , but any dead links you come across on the
site will be updated over the next few days. It seems Rapidshare closed the
The End
Thats it, its over. As many of you may have already noticed the updates
have becoming few and far between. I have complete control over this blog
and have ...
WMR Talk
Bedlam- Believe In You
Too Much- Grease It Out
Suck- The Whip
Sir Lord Baltimore- Master Heartache
Pentagram- When The Screams Come
Orang- Utan- I Can Inside Your Head
Lucifer's Friend- Baby, You're A Liar
WMR Talk
Jerusalem- Primitive Man
Janus- I Wanna Scream
Iron Claw- Mist Eye
High Tide- Futilist's Lament
Groundhogs- Cherry Red
Hackensack- Winter Hearted WomanWMR Talk
WMR Talk
Granicus- Bad Talk
Flower Travelin' Band- Satori Pt. 1
The Flow- It Swallowed The Sun
Dust- From A Dry Camel
MC5- Future Now
Buffalo- Till My Death
WMR Talk
Budgie- Homicidal Suicidal
Blue Cheer- Second Time Around
Bang- Idealist/ Realist
Admiral Sir Cloudsay Shovell- iDeath
Scorpion Child- Polygon of Eyes
Megaton- Niagara
WMR Talk
WMR Talk
Thin Lizzy- Sweetheart
Aerosmith- No Surprise
Girl- Hollywood Tease
Hanoi Rocks- Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Motorhead- Dirty Love
Rose Tattoo- Suicide City
The Angels- Take A Long Line
Starfighters- Alley Cat Blues
Nazareth- Not Faking It
WMR Talk
Sea Hags- Under The Night Stars
The Guttercats- Decoy Woman
The Hangmen- Walking In The Woods
Johnny Crash- Hey Kid
Funhouse- Self Denial
Rock City Angels- Ya Gotta Swear
Junkyard- Out Cold
Saigon Saloon- Days Gone By
WMR Talk
The Sword- The Veil Of Isis
Amulet- Sign Of The High Priest
Chrisyian Mistress- Home In The Sun
Borrowed Time- Burning Mistress
Gypsyhawk- State Lines
Kylesa- BottomLine ll
Bad Wizard- He's A Rat
WMR Talk
Ride The Sun- Livin' Wrong
Artimus Pyledriver- Swamp Devil
Alabama Thunderpussy- Words Of The Dying Man
Sleep- Dragonaut
Eyehategod- 99 Miles Of Bad Road
WMR Talk
Rikk The Beast on the cover of Murder in the Front Row Book in Exodus crowd.
Phil & Rikk at Sacred Reich Nov. 17th Rocky Point Cantina, Tempe
Part 1
WMR Talk
Queensryche- Queen of the Reich
Armored Saint- March of the Saint
Fates Warning- Apparition
Jag Panzer- Reign of the Tyrants
Iced Earth- Anthem
Crown The Lost- Eyes Without Sight
WMR Talk
Hirax- Mouth of the Beast
Kreator- The few, The Proud, The Broken
Megadeth- Hangar 18
Metal Church- Of Unsound Mind
Overkill- 21st Century Man
Riot- Echoes
WMR Talk
WMR Talk
WMR Talk
Thin Lizzy- Chinatown
UFO- Natural Thing
Nazareth- Expect No Mercy
Budgie- Homicidal Suicidal
Blue Oyster Cult- Hot Rails To Hell
Dust- Love Me Hard
WMR Talk
High On Fire- Warhorn
Twin Giant- Awake in the Hull
Castle- Storm Below The Mountain
Cathedral- Soul Sacrifice
Mastodon- All The Heavy Lifting
Red Fang- Into the Eye
WMR Talk
I wanted to tell everyone that I am both celebrating National Metal Day and recognizing Veterans Day (Remembering all the Men & Women who fought for our country) on 11.11.12!!!!!!!!!
Part 1
WMR Talk
The Sword- Hawks and Serpents
Gypsyhawk- Hedgking
Scorpion Child- Polygon of Eyes
Pride Tiger- What It Is
Priestess- The Firebird
Gentlemans Pistols- I Wouldn't Let You
WMR Talk
Witch Mountain- Shelter
Castle- Ever Hunter
Sourvein- Gemini
Methra- Heavier Things
Mockingbird- Pompeii
Heavy Lord- One Is A Billion
WMR Talk
WMR Talk
D.R.I.- Arguement Then War
Napalm Death- If The Truth Be Known
Attitude Adjustment- Bombs
Sacred Reich- No Believers
Sacred Reich- Death Squad
Sacred Reich- The Way It Is
Sacrilege B.C.- Skinned Alive
WMR Talk
Slayer ID
Slayer- Post Mortem
Vio-Lence- Bodies On Bodies
Warhead- Social Phobia
Detente- Shattered Illusions
Devastation- Subconcious
Warbringer- Enemies Of The State
Testament- Rise Up
WMR Talk
Remember going to Arena concerts for $10-$15?
Remember drinkin' Bud in cans and Wild Turkey out of a bottle? Remember
hangin; out in front of your Camaro, or Chevelle, before the concert in
the parking lot? Remember easy girls in feathered
hair, lip gloss, spandex pants and animal print tee's. This is the soundtrack to your past!!!!!
This week's Wreckage Metal Radio show remembers the early days of Hard Rock, NWOBHM, & Heavy Metal. \m/ ENJOY!!!!!
Part 1
WMR Talk
Thin Lizzy- Johnny
Aerosmith- Kings and Queens
Starz- Subway Terror
Teaze- Boys Night Out
Rainbow- I Surrender
Scorpions- Can't Get Enough
April Wine- Crash and Burn
Accept- Midnight Highway
WMR Talk
Def Leppard- Mirror, Mirror (Look Into My Eyes)
Girl- Wasted Youth
Hanoi Rocks- Mental Beat
Diamond Head- In The Heat Of The Night
Trespass- One of These Days
Saxon- Stand Up And Be Counted
WMR Talk
WMR Talk
Riot- Swords & Tequila
Y & T- Young & Tough
Kix- Restless Blood
Rose Tattoo- Out of This Place
Starfighters- Who Cares
Fastway- Give It Some Action
Michael Schenker Group- Looking For Love
WMR Talk
Vandenberg- Out In The Streets
UFO- Diesel In The Dust
Raven- Crash Bang Wallop
Trust- Monsieur Comedie
Twisted Sister- Tear It Loose
Loudness- LovingMaid
Tygers Of Pan Tang- Slip Away
WMR Talk
I am the man behind WRECKAGE METAL RADIO!!!! Back in the mid-
80's I was shipped off to my mom as a teenager to live in Fremont, Ca.
This is where I met guys like Robb Flynn (Machine Head), Jym Pittman,
Craig Loccicero, & Russ Anderson (Forbidden), and Vio-Lence. I
started doing Kill! Fanzine (1 & 2). It was influenced by Kerrang, Metal
Forces, Metal Mania, Kick Ass Monthly Magazines. I did features &
interviews with Legacy (Testament), Kirk Hammett (Metallica), Slayer,
Exodus, Vio-Lence, Forbidden Evil, Death Angel, Hirax, Death, & many
I even managed Vio-Lence for a short time (mk1 line up), where I
booked their first Ruthies Inn gig and did their flyers. I was involved in
the Bay area Thrash Metal Scene until late 1986. I moved back to
Phoenix. I started hanging out with Phoenix bands Flotsam & Jetsam,
Sacred Reich, Pedifile, & Nuclear Death.